Thanksgiving Weekend Results!
We had a very successful weekend at the Cobra SYC. Our top results came from Devin Gasiorowski (19th place in Y14 Epee, earning national points), Nathan Peters (3rd place in…
Kansas City NAC Results!
We had 4 fencers compete in the November NAC: Ali Shafaie, Kaveh Shafaie, Anika Patel, and Elena Vona. Ali fenced U20 Epee and U20 Foil, finishing 104th and 108th respectively…
Nathan Peters and Bobby Reasor earn new ratings in Tony Kestler Open!
Our 8th annual Tony Kestler Open Foil was a huge success. Nathan Peters won the final against Ali Shafaie 15-14 to earn his B17. View the full results here! Kaveh…
8th Annual Tony Kestler youth tournament Results!
Congrats to all of our fencers that competed in the Youth foil today. View the full results here! Our fencers that competed were: Y8 – Ethan Yip, Sammy Belokon, Oona…
Devin Gasiorowski wins AIF Youth Epee event!
Congratulations to Devin Gasiorowski for winning Y14 Mixed Epee at AIF today. Great warm-up before the big tournaments coming up soon! See the full results here!